holland bikes photo de classe
The Holland Bikes' team, 2019

Eine Holländische Lebensweise

Holland Bikes ist die Verwirklichung des Traums zweier Niederländer, die Anfang der 2000er Jahre nach Paris kamen. Ihre Vision war es, die Tradition des niederländischen Lebensgefühls, in dem Radfahren eine echte Lebenseinstellung und ein Mindset ist, an Frankreich weiterzugeben.

Seit fast 20 Jahren ermutigen wir unsere Kunden, sich für eine bessere Lebensqualität zu entscheiden, indem wir moderne, komfortable, zuverlässige und langlebige Fahrräder und Zubehör anbieten.

Unser Engagement im Bereich der Ökomobilität hat uns den Titel des Vierfachsiegers des “Grand Prix du Vélo de Ville” eingebracht, und darüber hinaus wurden wir 2012 und 2019 von der französischen Industrie- und Handelskammer als bestes französisch-niederländisches Unternehmen ausgezeichnet.

Through the website www.hollandbikes.com, the company Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS offers for sale online Dutch bikes, as Official Distributor and authorized legal Reseller, as well as accessories, equipment and components for the bicycle or the cyclist, from leading partner brands in the Cycle market, via the Internet and via its points of sale located in France, under the Holland Bikes brand.

The Holland Bikes Company – Velomotion SAS contributes to the development of the use and practice of cycling on a daily basis, for leisure or for sport, by offering a wide choice of bicycles and quality accessories in accordance with French legislation and in force, as well as professional service.


* This site is that of: www.hollandbikes.com
* Company name: Velomotion SAS
* Headquarters: 24 Rue Firmin Gillot, 75015 Paris, France
* Distribution center: 79, Boulevard Lefebvre, 75015, France
* Share capital: € 1,000,000 (EURO)
* Siret: RCS Paris B 442 110 789
* VAT: FR 66 442 110 789
* Company represented by: Mr Rob Lemmerlijn
* Phone: WEBSALES 01 48 42 11 11
* Processing center & after-sales service: Websales Holland Bikes, 79, Boulevard Lefebvre, 75015, France.

Design, Creation, Realization:

* Galago communication
* 35, rue des métiers
* 12850 Onet-le-Château
* Phone: 05 65 73 35 36
* E-mail: contact@galago.fr
* Website: www.galago.fr

Intellectual Property of Trademarks, Logos, and Presentation Materials:

Subject to the possible rights of partners of Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS or any other third party, Users acknowledge that the Site (including all of the information accessible under the Service, in particular in the form of texts, photos, images, sounds, data, databases and downloadable programs, including the underlying technology), is protected by intellectual property rights and / or other rights that Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS owns or is authorized to use. .

Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS is committed to using only the brands, logos, presentation media, advertising media of the brands distributed and offered through its website www.hollandbikes.com for the purpose of promoting them, to promote and sell them.

Users may not in any case store offline, reproduce, represent, modify, transmit, publish, adapt on any medium whatsoever, by any means whatsoever or exploit in any way whatsoever, the elements of the Site. and the Site itself without the prior written consent of Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS.

Users must respect all notices relating to intellectual property rights and other rights of Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS or third parties on the Site and not to alter, delete, modify or use them without prior authorization. written by Holland Bikes – Velomotion SAS or otherwise infringe it.

16 rue de l’Evangile 75018 PARIS

Phone. : 0825 70 20 20, Fax: +33 (0) 1 78 94 28 28

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